So the album will be released officially for download come this Wednesday September 30th, at 9:30 p.m. or something dumb like that. The link will be posted for that at the appropriate time. There will be a listening party at the GCube House, on Wednesday at 9:30. Come hang out, drink some drinks, listen to some music, make some friends, lose some friends, apologize for getting to drunk and yelling at your friends, and pray that Chavo doesn't make any animations of extremely offensive ideas you might get.
As you can see the artwork is up for your viewing pleasure. It was created by our friend Sammi Nummi and I think it is most excellent. I will now thank her from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Sammi, from the bottom of my heart.
I would also like to personally thank Mike Hayes for doing a crackerjack job on the album, he committed a lot of time and effort to it, and it far exceeded mine or anyone elses expectations. Thanks to Vilk, for just being an all around awesome with everything he's helped us with: booking shows, releasing Poe-Tay-Toe on Grundale, and all that other stuff. A round of applause for Dan for letting me use his amp like it's mine for the past year or so. Also, a huge thank you to Mike Fromnex for putting up with us practicing all the time. You probably don't know that we address you as "Mike Fromnex", but we do. I'm sure everyone else in the band wants to thank certain people, but I'll let them do that.
If there's anyone I forgot, well I'm sorry, you just aren't worth remembering. For real though, I'm very proud of this album, I think it will shock, awe, inspire, and TOTALLY PULVERIZE your ear muscles. Listen, enjoy it, or hate it, either way, let us know what you think, and spread the word of the Lord.
Thanks for listening,
O ya, the track listing is as follows:
1. I Need to Mail This to Someone
2. CPE
3. Letters From Mars
4. Mind Reading Chair
5. Song Written for Things
6. Chills
7. Wyrd is Weird
8. Why So Serious?
9. Change Your Mind
10. Whaleplane
11. ETA 9:30
12. I IV V I