Thursday, September 8, 2011


Hello whoever looks at this:

Gelatinus Cube has some announcements.
#1: This blog is going to become more active, featuring videos, drawings, and other cool stuff.
#2: We are in the process of creating our first music video. All we need now is some friends to be extras.
#3: Our next show is on September 30th (930) at the Purple Grape (171 E. 17th Ave. Columbus Ohio). It will feature The Hedgehogs Dillema (Cleveland, features Sam Touarti from "Chop Chop" and her "bro bro" Anthony who is the man by all regards), Nick Babikas Drug Nightmere, and Messenger Birds Now featuring Matt Chalko from Disaster March, Kattywhompus, and recently Gelatinus Cube, Pete Milkovic from the Distractions and Stomp the Condor, and Gene Bernardo from the Distractions. This will be Messenger Birds Nows first show which is very exciting, they have been bustin buns in the basement of the Purple Grape for months, and they are finally ready to sonically caress your earbuds with the best of the best of the best tunes.

Thats it yo.